🎉 Exciting news! CursorLens Now supports Caching for AnthropicCheck out the guide


Providers for CursorLens

CursorLens supports a wide range of AI models through various providers:


  • GPT-4o
  • GPT-4o mini


  • Claude 3 Opus
  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet


  • LLaMA 3.1 (405B, 70B, 8B)
  • Mixtral 8x7B


  • Mistral Large
  • Mistral Small
  • Mistral Medium


  • Command
  • Command-r
  • Command-r-plus


Ollama supports a wide variety of open-source models, including:

  • CodeLlama (7B, 13B, 34B, 70B)
  • Llama 2 (7B, 13B, 70B)
  • Llama 3 (8B, 70B)
  • Mistral (7B)
  • Mixtral (8x7B)
  • Phi-2
  • Gemma (2B, 7B)
  • And many more!

For a complete list of Ollama-supported models, please refer to the Ollama model library.

CursorLens is continuously expanding its model support. Check our documentation for the most up-to-date list of supported models and providers.

Configuration Guide

After installation, follow these steps to set up CursorLens as your default provider:

  1. Start your CursorLens server and ensure it's running.

  2. Open the Cursor application.

  3. Navigate to the configuration page in Cursor.

  4. Add a new provider:

    • Name: CursorLens (or any name you prefer)
    • URL: Your ngrok URL (e.g., https://1234abcd.ngrok.io)
    • API Key: Leave blank (CursorLens will use the keys from your .env file)
  5. Set CursorLens as the default provider:

    • Find the newly added CursorLens provider in the list
    • Click the "Set as Default" button next to it
  6. Save your configuration changes.

Now, when you use Cursor's AI features (like Cmd+i, Cmd+k, or Cmd+L), it will automatically route requests through your local CursorLens server, giving you access to all the supported models and analytics features.

Remember to keep your CursorLens server running whenever you want to use these features. You can monitor usage and performance through the CursorLens dashboard at http://localhost:3000.

For more detailed setup instructions, refer to the Installation Guide in the documentation.